Casting ? Like a River Tay Fisherman !
'Casting' is a very common swing characteristic among golfers and is a major loss of power with the club being released very early in the...

Crouched at Address ? C-Posture ?
'C-Posture' refers to the position of a golfers back when in golf posture viewed from behind looking down the line towards the target....

Do You Have S-Posture & Back Pain ?
The S in S-Posture refers to the shape of your back when in golf posture viewed from a down the line position where by the tail bone...

Do You Sway During Your Backswing ?
A Sway or Swaying is a common swing characteristic amongst the average golfer whereby there is an excessive lower body lateral movement...

Why am I Loosing So Many Shots around the Greens with Chipping ?
Are you like a lot of people who hit the ball quite well from tee to green to a standard that is probably better than your handicap would...

The Importance of Good Posture for Golf
In the picture above you can see three golfers of different age and ability with what would appear to be different golf posture(s). The...
Do You 'Early Extend' ? It is a common Fault for Golfers....
Early Extension is defined as a forward movement or thrust of the lower body towards the golf ball during the downswing movement. This...

Why Do I Hit My Wedge Shots so Fat ?
Are you like a lot of golfers who tend to hit their wedge shots too heavy and it is costing you a few shots per round ? Sound familiar ? ...

Beginners Groups Lessons at The Blairgowrie Golf Club in Perthshire
Learn to Play Golf at The Blairgowrie Golf Club with Graeme Leggat PGA Advanced Professional ! Golf is a game that can be enjoyed...
Identifying a Golfers Limitations
Are you a typical golfer who has had a golf lesson or a series of golf lessons from the same or from different golf instructors ? Who...